This place is just to further question those of so called authority.


Homeland Security Camera Into Your Mind

This is the first Blog on Blog crime, let it be written, let it be done!

So we all know that the CIA is dead right? Wrong, they just moved over to a sweeter sounding name between BS and that of the Horse kind, they call it Homeland Security. KGB is no longer, so of course CIA will C-EA-SE. In a corporate mindset, things never change, they just move around to confuse the worker bees. I have a red faced guy in Washington that knows many a white russians, code name: UNCLE DAN. So the internet is a mess right? Well, ask a super-hacker that and he'll say no it isn't. And in History in the U.S. haven't we learned that if you can't beat em' have em' join you.

Once we disconnected from G.B. we implimented much of Napoleon's French laws into being our own. Nazi Adolf, I hate to think it, but we may have put him up in some nice beachfront condo. Italian immigrant Mafioso, yeah...they got deputy FBI badges. The best of the best forgers, they are the CSI professors. And of course, hackers, the new pirates are on board a ship named KEY. So a blog is a Keep-Tabs-On Information Superhighway Department of Transportation. It is formed to make it easier to organize a surveillance on its users.

So let em' know who you are, I did, now I may have a new job. I may be your next government employee, that is, if you'll have me. JAKE VANGELISTI FOR PRESIDENT


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